Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Daiane Costa Guimarães, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão, Suzana Leitão Russo


The nanomedicine involves the application of improved medical diagnostics and therapy, allowing the development of drugs that aid in the treatment of diseases, as well as the application of nanoparticles in the improvement of chemotherapy. Therefore, the objective of this study was to carry out a technological mapping on the technologies used in the application of nanoparticles to improve the chemotherapy process. The methodology consists of a quantitative exploratory study, which carried out a survey of patent deposits in the European Patent Office (Espacenet) database. The results show that there were few deposits found on the application of nanoparticles in the chemotherapy process, with China being the country that most performed deposits, which shows that the country has been seeking improvements in medical treatments. Also, it was verified that the Universities were the biggest depositors, showing that the educational institutions are improving their researches focused on nanotechnology. In this way, it is noticed that it is still necessary to expand the studies directed to the use of nanoparticles, aiming to improve the development of new products, and thus improve the processes of diagnosis and medical treatments.


Nanotechnology; Nanomedicine; Measurement; Technology

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