Marcia Gabriela Bilbao La Vieja, Ismael Gonçalves Taborda, Priscila Regiane Sanches Ferreira, Rejane Sartori, Antônio Pinheiro


Paraná is a state with many attractions and natural riches that results in an environment conducive to constant innovations, and protecting the knowledge and traditional knowledge of this people is more than necessary, it is a priority. An example of the wealth of this state are the grapes of Marialva, which due to the combination of climatic conditions, the rich soil and the know-how of local farmers, gave the region national recognition and reputation for the quality of the fine table grapes produced. Thus, in 2017, the registration of Geographical Indication (GI) Grapes Finas de Mesa de Marialva was granted by the National Institute of Industrial Property. However, after five years of this registration, this GI still has not generated all the known benefits resulting from this protection. In this sense, the objective of this article is to identify the main challenges faced by the applicant association of the IG Uvas Finas de Mesa de Marialva after the registration was granted in terms of its internal and external management. This is an applied research, with an exploratory character and a qualitative approach. As for the technical procedures, it is configured as bibliographical, documental and field. Primary data were obtained through a technical visit and an interview with the CEO of the association requesting the GI. The results indicate that the management of the GI Uvas Finas de Mesa de Marialva faces several challenges, requiring the adoption of measures in order to highlight the product to the consumer and, consequently, to enable its effective commercialization. It is concluded that although there are no doubts about the potential social, environmental and economic benefits related to GIs, proving their ability to generate differentiation to the product and add value to the sale price with a consequent increase in income for the producer, these are far from being natural and automatic in the GA under study.


Geographical Indication; Grapes from Marialva; Post-Grant.

Texto completo:



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Revista INGI - Indicação Geográfica e Inovação. A Revista INGI está licenciada com a Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional

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