Paulo de Tarso Anunciação de Melo, Sheila de Souza Corrêa de Melo, Suezilde da Conceição Amaral Ribeiro


The market dispute, over time, instigates the search for differentiated solutions, which indicate a differentiated and attractive quality that effectively improves the recognition of products and, consequently, promotes commercialization. The Geographical Indication (GI) of products, on the international stage, is an item of attractive quality, with a device that brings a series of benefits throughout the entire production chain, improving the social and economic conditions of regions that become known for their notoriety, as well as protecting them from piracy and unfair competition because their recognition is made official and valid worldwide. The objective of this is to analyze the importance of a GI for products that are commercialized in the international market, such as Tomé-açu Cacao, the first Geographical Indication of the State of Pará. The purpose of the GI Tomé-açu was to access the international market, offering consumers concepts and historical demonstrations of credibility and guarantee of their origin and their development to the territory.


Adding Value to Production; Product Recognition; Guarantee of Origin

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