Monique Ayala Araújo da Silva, Fellipe Alves Ozorio do Nascimento, Michely Correia Diniz


The genus Spondias belongs to the botanical family Anacardiaceae and has species with great potential of technological and commercial application: Spondias mombin and Spondias tuberosa, known as cajá and umbu, respectively. The present work focused on the mapping of new technologies already developed around the Spondias mombin and Spondias tuberosa species, through the deposits patents requests in the period from 1996 to 2016. For this, a search was made in the databases EPO, INPI, USPTO and WIPO. The most representative bases were WIPO with the highest number of patents, followed by INPI. The data presented can be taken as indicative that the development of new technologies on the species Spondias mombin and Spondias tuberosa is still incipient in Brazil, considering the species importance to the population of the country, especially in the semi-arid Northeastern.


Spondias mombin; Spondias tuberosa; umbu

Texto completo:



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