Hepatitis C is a virus responsible for chronic hepatic disease, considered a global health problem affecting about 170 million people, where in Brazil the Southeast region with the highest index stands out. In the world, the highest rates of the disease are in Egypt and Pakistan with up to 26% of cases. The present study aims to analyze patent deposits that are more relevant to the development of vaccines or drugs used to reduce cases of hepatitis C. In order to achieve this, a survey was carried out in the patent database in Brazil (INPI), the data being exported to a spreadsheet and then processed, to present the results in the form of graphs. Most of the patents filed have the Unionist priority for foreign countries, leading the United States ranking. Applications have been identified relating to compounds which can be used to manufacture medicaments, virus inhibitors, antibodies, methods and vaccines. With the advancement of medicine and the growing concern of several countries, Brazil could reach the containment of the disease around the year 2030, although the whole world is focused on research to develop the vaccine. Finally, he identified that, even though it is not a country with a high rate of hepatitis C virus infestation, the United States has an interest not only in social and economic interests, but also in the larger drug industries in research and technological development in the search for vaccines and treatments for combat the disease in the world population.
Texto completo:
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