The Brazilian Government to ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) assumed the obligation to establish the rules for access, protection and exploitation of genetic resources of national biodiversity and traditional knowledge. In this sense it was enacted in 2001 Provisional Measure No. 2186, which also created the Council of the Genetic Heritage Management (CGEN), a normative and deliberative body responsible for evaluation of projects for purposes of scientific research, bioprospecting and development technology. The main objective of MP 2186 creation was to prevent multinational companies, organizations and individuals, inspired by traditional knowledge and motivated by vested economic interests to appropriate genetic resources and fauna of Brazil's flora to turn them into medicines and cosmetics abroad. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the history of Brazilian official records of assessments and decisions of scientific research, bioprospecting and technological developments made with genetic resources of Brazilian biodiversity and / or traditional knowledge associated with the Indigenous Peoples of Traditional Communities of Brazil. There were analysis of assessments and records of deliberations of the period 2002 to 2014 presented in the activity reports released by CGEN. The results show that the highest number of assessments records and deliberations are related simple and special permits for scientific research projects involving genetic resources of Brazilian biodiversity and the increased interest in economic exploitation activity of genetic resources of Brazilian biodiversity.
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