Valdir Silva Conceição, Cleiton Correia Viana, Angela Machado Rocha


Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) also grows at a rate of 60% a year. Facial recognition is one of the applications of AI, which was used in Carnivals in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro in 2019, resulting in the withdrawal of movement of five elements that were in debit to the court. The application of this tool does not violate the rights of the citizen related to privacy, although it does not have authorization or consent from them, which at first hurst the constitutional principles, however, there must be a balance between the principles. The objective of the present study is to verify if the use of facial recognition hurts the privacy of individuals, making an analysis of social factors and use of a technology that is criticized and praised by researchers. The applied methodology was empirical, with a qualitative approach, of a descriptive character, through bibliographical research in the sites related to the theme, where the literature review was carried out. The technology was used in the Carnival of Salvador, monitoring 42 Public Safety Secretariat (SSP) Approach Portals spread around the Dodo (Barra), Osmar (Campo Grande) and Batatinha (Pelourinho) circuits, performing monitoring through cameras of facial recognition, in order to locate criminals with arrest warrants not yet complied with and prevente them from committing new offenses. The use of technology is intended to support security officers. As a result, it can be seen that use in a discriminatory manner may violate certain constitutional principles regarding the dignity of the human person.


Artificial Intelligence; Carnival of Salvador; Innovation

Texto completo:



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