Camila Souza Vieira, Robelius De Bortoli


The article on loco addresses the application of registration of the northeast mark with the INPI bringing to the surface as it has been used the mark with respect to period, status and service or product. There is a need to show the importance of conducting a search before launching or requesting registration of a brand, from this we have the objective of analyzing the registration of the "Nordeste" brand seeking to encourage its use through a survey. The "nordeste" term refers to regional characteristics, which can lead to temporal, spatial or cultural imagery (tastes, characteristics, climate, dance, strength, beauty, etc.). The customer or user, when choosing the brand they want to buy or even loyalty, seeks a relationship with the image, notoriety, personality, interpretations, visibility, credibility and sensations that they bring. Realizing the Brazilian economic reality, it is evident the need to invest in potentializing the brands so that they have a differential of the products or services that make them competitive or premium in the market niche in which they are. For this discussion, a documentary descriptive research was used, being the analysis of quantitative and qualitative character, being evident the importance of the intellectual property in the level of prospection and protection, emphasizing to INPI (National Institute of Intellectual Property) and the existence of interest in the use of the Northeast brand, verified through the presence of orders in different areas, which shows the importance of checking what already exists before requesting registration.


Intellectual Property; Mark; Northeast; Protection

Texto completo:



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