Valdir Silva da Conceição, Cleriston Carlos de Matos, Marina de Almeida Santos, Dayana Ferraz Silva, Marcelo Santana Silva, Angela Machado Rocha


The cacao tree is a perennial planto f the tropics and Brazil has beeen cultivating it since the colonial period, making it na importante product for the national and local economy. The products and by-products from its fruit are used in various industrial branches such as food, hygienic, among others. Soap is a product mainly aimed at sanitizing people. The objective of this work is to make a technological prospection on the use of cocoa as one of the componentes um the manufacture of soap the methodology used was the use of the patente Search tool Espacenet, in addition to the bibliographic review through international and national scientific websites, books, scientific articles, and course completion Papers. Growth was noticed from 2014 onwards, reaching its peak in 2021, with industries in the field of hygiene, beauty, and personal cleaning as the largest depositors. The United State of America was the most used market to protect the invention, despite not being a major producer of cocoa. They also lead in the number of inventors and patente holders. Brazil, despite being the sixth largest producer of cocoa, does not have a great relevance in relation to inventors and paten holders.


Beauty; Hygiene and Cleanlinesss; Innovation.

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