André Almeida Silva, Gabriel Francisco da Silva


Geographical Indications (GI) encompass goods that possess distinct characteristics due to their origin, conferring them reputation, value, and their own identity, which sets them apart from similar products in the market. It is essential to strengthen the understanding of these unique attributes through appropriate marketing actions. In this context, the objective of this work is to create a marketing management model for businesses that operate in the GI segment, aiming to recommend a set of actions that enhance sales and results. Thus, the Geographical Indication Business Marketing Management Model (GIBM3) is presented, which proposes the customization of activities aligned with mission, vision, and values, strategic planning, and integrated actions to promote the commercialization of products and services linked to their place of origin. The results indicate that when marketing strategies derived from GIBM3 are created and implemented, they can lead to economic, cultural, and social benefits for businesses, regions, and producers, promoting the valorization of characteristic products. However, it is necessary for the created model to be validated, for example, through the Delphi method, bringing possibilities for refinement and increasing confidence in its application.


Marketing Management Model; Geographical Indication; Organizational Planning.

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