Alessandra do Valle Abrahão, Grace Ferreira Ghesti


This article analyzes the granting of the innovation voucher, a kind of economic subsidy introduced in Brazil by Law nº 13.243/2016, which aims to encourage innovation in small and medium-sized companies and to foster partnerships and projects of technological development and innovation involving the Quintuple Helix (government, companies, universities, society and the environment). The study was conducted based on the theoretical model of the Helices of Innovation, the concept of innovation voucher and the evolution of the Brazilian legal framework for promoting innovation. To this end, a bibliographical and documentary research was carried out with 30 Brazilian research promotion agencies to evaluate the granting of technological bonuses in programs and/or public notices for financing innovation projects, considering the period since the regulation of the device, in February 2018, until December 2020. As a result, only one public call for granting the technological bonus was found. This unique and ephemeral finding demonstrates that the technology bonus still lacks regulation and mobilization with development agencies for it to be fully implemented in Brazil. With this meager result, the thesis is confirmed that, despite the progress observed in Brazilian legislation to develop the country's innovation ecosystem, there is still a lack of instruments to implement the legal provisions introduced by the new norms. The technological bonus is yet another example of an implement for modernization that remains latent in the legal sphere, with no tangible practice in the real world.


Innovation Voucher; Innovation; Quintuple Helix.

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