Fábio Bruno Pinheiro do Nascimento, Othon de Sousa Alvares, Carlos Alberto Machado da Rocha


Teleworking is a reality all over the world, both in the private and public sectors, especially with the increase in demands for new technologies arising from the COVID-19 pandemic due to social distancing protocols. This modality of work was adopted in several public bodies and companies in order to mitigate the simultaneous proliferation of the virus in the work environment. It is noted that in addition to allowing greater flexibility in hours, reducing stress, facilitating reconciliation between family and professional life, the home office modality has become a great tool to be used in the modern world. This research proposes a study of technological prospection based on patents in order to investigate technologies regarding teleworking. For this, a patent survey was carried out in the Questel Orbit database. In possession of the data, it was possible to analyze the main depositor countries, legal status as well as the highlighted companies. Japan was the country with the highest rate of technological innovation through patents, as well as the Canon company, the largest investor in telework technology.



Telework; COVID-19; Patents.

Texto completo:



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