Rafaelly Rios dos Santos, Maria Elisa Marciano Martinez, Marcello Carvalho dos Reis, Patrícia Carvalho dos Reis


The growth of agricultural production in Brazil during the period from 1950 to 1980 promoted an increase directly linked to the production and consumption of fertilizers, with leverage that came to triple the production in given periods, a fact that led to a demand and increase in the innovative capacity of this market segment. In order to assess the moment of innovation, its technologies and the actors involved, data from patent documents extracted from the ORBIT database were used, where 1635 patent documents were selected without prior temporal definition, observing an increasing behavior with the presence of two peaks, a small one between 1970 and 1990 with 313 patent documents (19%) and a larger one between 2007 and 2018 with 916 patent documents (56%). Based on the above, it is understood that a process of management and monitoring through patent documents is feasible, since these are rich in strategic and technical information, specifically; most patent documents in Brazil on fertilizers refer to fertilizers and depositors residing in Brazil. Therefore, it is a strategy of paramount importance for Brazil to reuse these nutrients and for the orderly and ecologically correct disposal of agricultural and agro-industrial waste, thus reducing Brazilian dependence on fertilizer imports.


Fertilizer; Patent Documents; Patent Mapping; Technological Mapping; Orbit

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