Alan Malacarne, Liaria Nunes Silva, Ricardo Fontes Macedo, Robelius De-Bortoli


This study proposes an analysis of Geographical Indication impact on Jacu Coffee. The study made a documental search at the base of the INPI and interviews with the producers of Jacu coffee. The researchers found characteristics of the birds seen in Camocim Farm, everything leads us to believe that it really is the species Penelope Obscura. And the study show that a good management model can turn a terrible problem in a very lucrative business opportunity. Therefore the Geographical Indication of Jacu coffee add value to the region of Domingos Martins and the state of Espirito Santo, and may bring a positive socioeconomic impact to the region, as an option to improve the Management of Agribusiness, as occurred with the coffee of Cerrado Mineiro. Furthemore, this work could contribute to future studies on other products with potential in Geographical Indication.


Intellectual Property; Agribusiness Management; Jacu Coffee; Geography Indication

Texto completo:



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