Simone Aparecida de Lima Scaramussa, Luciana Cristina Lins de Aquino Santana


In nowadays, the cultivation of exotic plants with great socioeconomic potential has intensified in northeastern Brazil. Among these species is Morinda citrifolia L., popularly known as noni, fruit with high market value and local adaptability, besides it is used to the cure and prevention of numerous diseases for millennia. In this context, this work aimed the obtaining of extracts from mixture of noni peel and seeds flours and quantification of the bioactive compounds (total phenolics and total flavonoids). The residues were dried at 50°C for 24 h, ground, mixed at 1:1 proportion and sterilized. The compounds were extracted with distilled water and ethanol, acetone and methanol solvents at concentrations of 40 and 80%, under stirring in orbital shaker at 200 rpm and 30 ° C for 1 h. Then, the extracts were filtered and the supernatants quantified for total phenolic and total flavonoid content. The extracts in 40% acetone and distilled water showed highest total phenolic content (809.0 mg GAE/100g of dry residue) and total flavonoid (503.9 mg quercetin/100g of dry residue) content, respectively. Extracts obtained from mixture of noni peel and seeds flours have shown potential as a source of bioactive compounds, which may be of interesting for future applications in industrial sectors such as food, pharmacy and cosmetics.


Morinda Citrifolia; Bioactive Compounds; Extraction

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