Tracy Anne Cruz Aquino, Larissa de Almeida Soares, Luciana Cristina Lins de Aquino Santana


Sapoti is a seasonal fruit, with little exploited biotechnological potential, which has a short shelf life and high loss during the production season. However during the processing of the fruit residues (peel and seeds) are generated which are commonly discarded or used for animal feed. Aiming to add value to sapoti residues, the objective of this work was to determine the levels of total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids in sapoti peel and seed by extraction with organic solvents. The extracts were obtained from dried and ground sapodilla peel and seeds using distilled water or ethanol at 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% concentrations in a 1:5 ratio (solid: solvent), homogenized under orbital agitation at 200 rpm, 30 ° C for 60 min, filtered and the supernatant obtained was analyzed for total phenolic compound content and total flavonoid content. The highest contents of phenolic compounds in sapodilla bark extracts were obtained in 50% ethanol (148.0 mg EAG / 100g residue) and in distilled water seed extracts (39.3 mg EAG / 100g residue) and ethanol. 50% (38.2 mg EAG / 100g residue). Regarding the total flavonoid content in both residues, 80% ethanol stood out as the best solvent, obtaining values of 65.5 mg QCE / 100g of residue in bark extract, and 50.6 mg QCE / 100g of residue in seed extract. Sapoti residues have shown potential for future application as sources of bioactive compounds.


Phenolic; Flavonoids; Exotic Fruit; Sapodilla

Texto completo:



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