Ariadne Matos dos Santos, Marinuzia Silva Barbosa, Taynara Goes dos Santos, Alessandra Almeida Castro Pagani


The processing of peppers adds value to the product due to its social importance. They are sources of natural antioxidants: vitamin C, E, carotenoids and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is present in green fruits and vegetables and can be used as substitutes for synthetic dyes because they have bright green color as well as other biological activities. Therefore peppers are known to be anticancer, antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, besides having wound healing activity and therapeutic properties. Microencapsulation is a technique that prevents the degradation of bioactive compounds against oxidation providing greater stability and shelf life. In this sense, the present work aimed to obtain green-smelling pepper microcapsules by the technique of ionic gelation, formulated with spinach and packed in acid medium, evaluating the stability of bioactive compounds and the effect of encapsulation during 1 month of storage. PH, vitamin C, capsaicin, chlorophyll, carotenoids and acidity analyzes were performed. The results obtained for microcapsule were: 4.27; 6.49 mg Ascorbic Acid / 100 g sample; 0.1173 mg / ml; 47.79 µg / g; 25.01 µg / g and 6.98 mg KOH / g pepper respectively. With the results obtained from the microcapsules of smelling pepper, it can be concluded that it presents considerable bioactive contents, as well as presence of alkaloids (capsaicin) and that during the storage in acid medium, presented a good stability of these compounds.


Microcapsules; Sweet Pepper; Ion Gelation; Chlorophyll

Texto completo:



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