José Edilson dos Santos Júnior, Isnaldo José de Souza Coelho, Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos


Despite the positive impacts of civil construction on the development of any country, the construction processes in most of them are quite obsolete, in terms of investments through the reduction of bottlenecks and strategic management to reduce the use of natural resources and the execution times. This results in high costs, especially with labor. The development of devices and sensors that reduce the time to perform steps or the loss of material through remote control of processes from material properties emerges as a possible niche market. However, knowledge of the state of the art is required to reduce investment risks. For this, we used Questel Orbit software for search for proper prior analysis. Unexpectedly, it was found that Brazil stands out with the highest percentage of filed patent families in the world, with the terms construction, device and/or sensor in their titles or summaries, in addition to the fact that they are all active, granted or under review. However, despite national developments, most of the inventions already deposited result in indirect applications in the focus area, and there is a promising market niche for the creation of sensors based on the use of building material physicochemical properties for monitoring and management of construction processes.


Civil Engineering; Management; Control; Innovation

Texto completo:



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