Uiliam Hahn Biegelmeyer, Maria Emilia Camargo, Silvana Sandes Tosta


This theoretical essay aims to review relationships and explore in the literature reflections between dynamic capabilities, innovation and organizational performance. It is discussed in this essay, from the analysis of the relations between these three constructs, some propositions that can favor the innovation and the performance of the organization. In order to implement the proposed objective, propositions were elaborated through studies of each construct related among them, to indicate how they were approached in the past and are being treated in the literature nowadays. Dynamic capabilities are high-level competencies that determine the company's ability to develop or reconfigure internal or external competencies to address, and possibly form, rapidly changing business environments (TEECE, 2012). Innovation is the introduction of a new method or product, which opens up a new market that can be achieved through the discovery of a new raw material, product, process or a new service (SCHUMPETR, 1912). Organizational performance is related to the application of all available organizational resources to achieve the goals. Constructs are addressed in propositions built on the basis of literature where their relationships are discussed. In the approach of the propositions, were found next to the researched literature, affirmative positions made.


Dynamic Capabilities; Innovation; Organizational Performance

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