Josivaldo Santos Alves, Marcio Nannini da Silva Florencio, Maria Andrea Rocha Escobar, Maraiza Santana Santos


The management of intellectual property has gained worldwide relevance and has been strongly discussed and encouraged by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Given this, the present study aimed to analyze the international scientific production on intellectual property management to indicate elements that favor the development of scientific production in the area. Therefore, bibliometric techniques and citation analysis were used. Web of Science is the database of this research, due to its relevance in providing inputs for bibliometric studies. There are 85 articles on intellectual property management from 1994 to 2020. The results showed the areas of research, journals, and countries with the most publications on the topic. Based on the citation analysis, it was possible to identify the most influential authors and institutions on the topic. This literature review made it possible to become aware of the main measures to manage intellectual property such as the creation of intellectual property and technology transfer offices and the investment in attracting and training employees.


Bibliometric; Innovation Management; Intellectual Property

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