Josileide Gonçalves Borges


People are now seeking to include in their food foods that, in addition to fulfilling the basic functions of nurturing and maintaining life, contribute in some way to disease prevention and health improvement, this has driven many companies to develop enriched and / or functional foods. Purpose of this paper was to map worldwide development of functional foods based on patent applications. Espacenet's database was used, as it includes national and international patents filed and granted in more than 90 countries, including Brazil. In Espacenet patent searches were performed using descriptors related to food enrichment. Results showed that before the year 2013 there was no significant patent filing, increase was only observed from the year 2014. In 2019 there was a significant increase with deposit of 15 patents on food enrichment. The most relevant areas for patent protection were applications for food and therapeutic purposes; with A23L1 being the most common international classification code for patents and companies are being the largest depositors. Results indicate that production and consumption of functional foods is very profitable and continues to grow, which reflects a greater awareness of the population in consuming foods that in addition to basic nutrition provide additional benefits.


Functional Foods; Food Enrichment; Patents; Health Improvement; ANVISA

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