Cristiane Toniolo Dias, Thiago de Jesus dos Santos, Luana Brito de Oliveira


The blockchain are decentralised protocols responsible for registering the Transactions in assets. Its application in the Activities of the securitary sector is provided by the achievement of the client through the smart contracts to the prevention of fraud. The present study identified the trends and characteristics of the blockchain technology applied in the insurance market through prospecting conducted in the online database of the bases Especanet, WIPO and Scopus, in which it was identified that China is the Largest responsible for patent deposits constituting 42% of the records, however, in which, communicate to scientific content on the subject, the United States is the largest producer forming 18% of the contents. The area of computational science is responsible for 60% of the published articles. When consulting the electronic site of the National Institute of Intellectual Sole (INPI), it was found that the United Kingdom is the country that more CD patents metastatic to the blockchain in Brazil, comparing the waiting period for patenting, it was noted that Brazil takes more To publish their records than Europe.


Blockchain; Technology; Insurance; Insurance Market; Patents

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