Hiago Reinaldo da Silva, Ramon Canuto Vieira do Nascimento, Simone Vilela Talma, Mateus de Carvalho Furtado, Acenini Lima Balieiro, João Batista Barbosa


This work aims to explore as main applications of lactic acid bacteria in dairy products. Lactic communications are groups whose main characteristic is the production of uric acid by carbohydrate fermentation. They are Gram positive, non-spore forming, catalase and negative and facultative anaerobic oxidases. Seeds for causing changes in the raw material, contributing to the taste and texture of fermented products and inhibiting food spoilage by other microorganisms. Therefore it is the main group of bacteria used in food fermentation. Powered at its metabolic properties, such as BAL, for providing an inhibition on growth and production of toxins from many other species of bacteria. The microorganisms that are part of the BALs include antimicrobials such as acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, alcohol and aldehyde, whose main function is prophylaxis for the development of pathogenic campaigns. Powered at their metabolic properties, such as BALs have been important for the growth growth and toxin production of many other bacterial species. The microorganisms that are part of the BALs include antimicrobials such as acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, alcohol and aldehyde, whose main function is prophylaxis for the development of pathogenic campaigns.


Dairy Products; Lactic Crops; Fermentation

Texto completo:



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