Arnon Sillas Novais Souza, Francisco Sandro Rodrigues Holanda


Agribusiness has become increasingly popular, as well as strongly associated with entrepreneurship, and is misunderstood by the population, even though it is the most important sector of the national economy. The objective of this paper is to present an innovation in agribusiness using hortifruti, based on the analysis of consumer demands based on the Empathy Map. This questionnaire allows us to raise the client's problems, anxieties, thoughts and fears regarding the means of marketing of vegetables, quantity and quality of vegetables and fruits, perceived by them, as well as aspects and impacts related to health, according to the standard of the World Health Organization (WHO). Some concepts are fundamental to the discussion in question, such as entrepreneurship and its relation to innovation; agribusiness and representativeness in Brazil; innovation and its different types. As well as the key factors to be observed for its realization and also as a way to promote disruption inside and outside the business environment. This work involves applied research using questionnaires as a data collection instrument, applied via GoogleTM Forms, to potential clients in the Aracaju city, Sergipe state. The opinions of the interviewees were fundamental for directing agribusiness models that meet their needs, promoting an increase in the consumption of produce and also stimulating local competitiveness. It is proposed an agribusiness model by subscription, through application, facilitating the purchase, optimizing the consumer's time and also offering important information that will guarantee the quality of the purchased product.


Business; Entrepreneurship; Vegetables; To Innovate

Texto completo:



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