Carolina Natalie Fontes Arôxa, Gabriel Francisco da Silva, João Antônio Belmino dos Santos, Jane de Jesus da Silveira Moreira, Lília Calheiros de Oliveira Barretto


Agroindustrial advances impact on high volumes of organic waste that are improperly disposed of as having no apparent added value. The compounds obtained from the soursop, such as leaves, seeds, fibers and peel, have bioactive compounds with health-promoting properties, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic. This work proposed to perform a mapping of technological prospection on the industrial application of the soursop residue for evaluation the patent filing scenario in the Derwent Innovations Index and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) - databases, in order to investigate the Brazilian and world technological progress and subsidize future strategic applications in the areas of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) in the productive chain. The number of patent registrations has grown significantly since the 21st Century, with an increase from 08 to 82 new patents. The United States and the Philippines were the largest depositors in Derwent International Base, with 15 and 11 patents, respectively. Diversified technological proposals were also observed for the use of soursop agro-industrial waste with applications in the areas of food, cosmetics, medical science, pharmaceutical and agricultural, being the most abundant international classification the A61K, followed by A23L and A01N. Despite the significant participation of Brazilian federal institutions in the INPI, the still small quantification of deposits shows opportunities for greater incentive for research and innovation in this agro-industrial sector.


Soursop; Waste; Technological Forecasting; Patents

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