Carlos Tadeu Santana Tatum, Suzana Leitão Russo, Cássia Regina D'Antonio Rocha da Silva, Emanuel Messias Aquino de Araújo, Flávio Ferreira da Conceição


Every brand has aesthetic relevance and marketing functionality whether in the scope of products or services. Admittedly, the brand becomes the link between the consumer and the institution that owns it, being responsible for impacting through human perceptions. Brands use this connection to accomplish their exchange or empathy goals at their convenience. With the new technologies the aesthetic aspects of the brand have gained three-dimensional application. In this article, we sought to locate the aesthetic value of the ISTI brand to update it in three-dimensional form. For this, we used the case study method that in 2019 completes its tenth anniversary in scientific activities through events that promote presentations of works in the area of technological innovation and intellectual property, demonstrating to participate in the forefront of research production. Thus, the article presents the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, preserving the characteristics of identity and meeting the fundamental concepts of aesthetic-functional design proposing the first trophy for the event, rewarding the best papers in the paper, poster and best categories. work, evaluating theoretical aspects of intellectual property and brands in various contexts, design, materials, technologies, and, finally, frugal innovation.


Design; Intellectual Property; Frugal Innovation

Texto completo:



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