Jamiles francisca dos Santos


Cacti are considered by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the food of the future.Brazil has the third largest concentration in the worldof species belonging to the cactus family. Among them is the mandacaru (Cereus jamacaru DC), one of the most important species in the cactus population. In this context, the objective was to conduct a prospective study mapping technological patents containing mandacaru or its fruit. In addition, a technological prospectionwas made in indexed article bases. For the research were accessed the databases World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Patent Office (Espacenet-Worlwide) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in Brazil, using general terms. Then specific terms such as “mandacaru”, “Cereus jamacaru”, “Cereus jamacaru” and fruit * and “Cereus jamacaru” and food were added, as well as their respective translations whensearched on the INPI national database. Only four patents were observed with the use of mandacaru, two with its fruit. Compared to the number of patent filings with other cactus species, the number of filings with Cereus jamacaru is insignificant. Despitebeing the second most searched cactus in number of articles, the amount of research with Cereus jamacaru is still much lower than the most searched cactus. The development of patents and research with mandacaru should be encouraged, as it has technological potential.


Cacti; Cereus Jamacaru; Mandacaru; Patents

Texto completo:



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