Breno Ricardo de Araújo Leite, Danielle Regina da Natividade Ferreira, Luana Silva do Rosário, Luiz Henrique Castelan Carlson, Araken Alves de Lima, Irineu Afonso Frey


Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines that work and react like humans, including autonomous learning capacity, so important that it has become an essential part of the technology industry. However, we do not have a clear view of the scope of this technological resource, since it usually acts in the "backstage", allowing the operation of the protagonists, that is, equipment, machines, and hardware in general, which have already been the target of extensive mapping at the global level. This work aims to perform a mapping of computer program records at the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial that use artificial intelligence, to verify in what position Brazil would be concerning the appropriation of this technology and whether the country would be following the global scenario in terms of intellectual property protection. The methodology used was a bibliometric study of the records in the database of the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, with tabulation and analysis of data in spreadsheets, comparing with the taxonomy proposed by the World Intellectual Property Organization, which has mapped patents worldwide. The results showed that Brazil still has a small collection of computer programs, only 110 records, but this number is in full ascension. For the use of technology and the owners, the national scenario is quite different from the perceived global level, but both indicate that this area is in full expansion.


Computer Science; INPI; Software; Technological Forecasting

Texto completo:



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