Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Laudiceia Normando de Souza, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão


Nanotechnology, as a science that involves matter manipulation on an atomic and molecular scale focused on creation of things and living beings through new materials, has used nanoparticles as one of the simplest forms of structures with sizes in the nanometer range for offering some unique advantages such as sensors with increased surface properties spreading easily within cancer cells, facilitating chemotherapeutic agents to offer significant Stability to patients affected by systemic dissemination of malignant cells. Considering the role of technological prospecting as a systematic means of mapping scientific and technological developments capable of significantly influencing society in the global challenge of oncological combat, the objective of this research consisted in carrying out a technological mapping on the technologies used in the application of nanoparticles to improve cancer treatment. The methodology consisted of a quantitative exploratory study, conducting a survey of patent deposits in the European Patent Office database (Espacenet). The results demonstrate the existence of a high number of applications for deposits involving the application of nanoparticles in the treatment of cancer, with emphasis on the United States and China. Universities present the highest quantitative in the filing requests per institution, implicitly evidencing the progressive development of research and creation of new products with nanoparticles application for diseases treatment such as cancer.


Nanotechnology; Measurement; Treatment of Diseases

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