Rodrigo Pereira Barata, Tecia Vieira Carvalho


Multiple factors influencing the low number of technologies considered protected success in Brazil, especially the culture that persists in the academies of Brazil, who insists on not protecting and obtaining intellectual, financial and social benefits, with such technologies. In addition, it should be noted, especially in universities and institutes of education, science and technology, academic scientific production is higher than the development of potentially innovative products that can effectively benefit society. The aim of this study was to develop a management methodology that can diagnose quickly and objectively the potential of innovation and transfer of technology to the market, materialized in a digital tool. A search was performed to identify tools that could help the ICT's to measure products and processes with innovative features in Brazil, not being found similar methodology in prospecting. For the development of the methodology was used concepts and intellectual property legislation, maturity of the technology and innovation. The materialization of the tool for applicability of the methodology was used analysis of requirements for the needs in the development of the tool. In this context, the APIT (Assess potential for technological innovation), a digital tool practice and visual, that through objective questions, is able to guide the researcher, clarifying if your technology has potential for innovation protection and transfer of technology to the market. As a result the methodology presents proven through the reports on research projects, demonstrating the huge need for submission of a prior assessment that can help in decision making.


Intellectual Property; Technological Development; Innovation; Basic Research

Texto completo:



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Revista INGI - Indicação Geográfica e Inovação. A Revista INGI está licenciada com a Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional

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