Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Bruno Ramos Eloy, Cleide Mara Barbosa da Cruz, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão, João Antônio Belmino dos Santos


The food supplements are substances that seek to supplement food, and currently the supplement industry is seeking to innovate in their products. Therefore, the objective of this research was to carry out a prospective study related to dietary supplements. The methodology presents a quantitative exploratory study, which carried out a survey of patent deposits in the National Institute of Industrial Property database. The results indicate that there are few deposits related to dietary supplements, with the first deposit occurring in 1991, but the growth occurred from 2011 onwards. Still, it was verified that the companies were the largest depositors, but it was verified that still it is necessary to stimulate research regarding food supplements, since the universities had little representation in the number of analyzed deposits. Therefore, it is necessary to seek the improvement of research so that these supplements can be food supplements that aid in the quality of the health of those who use them.


Food; Prospecting; Measurement

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Revista INGI - Indicação Geográfica e Inovação. A Revista INGI está licenciada com a Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional

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