Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Anderson Rosa da Silva, Cleide Mara Barbosa da Cruz, Cristiane Monteiro de Farias Rezende, Mario Jorge Campos dos Santos, Jonas Pedro Fabris


The agribusiness has grown its participation in the Brazilian economy and with the need to seek to stimulate technological innovation in this sector arose. Accordingly, this research had the objective of carrying out a technological mapping through deposits of patent requests related to agribusiness. The methodology presents a quantitative exploratory study that carried out a data collection on the basis of the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI, being used or employed by the key agrobusiness, where 84 deposits were found. The results will show that 2020 presented the highest number of deposits and in the year of 2021 only one was found, this can be explained due to the 18-month secrecy period. Furthermore, it is noted that there is a need to stimulate research on this topic by the Universities, as well as how to encourage their partnerships with companies, in order to assimilate the growth of agribusiness in Brazil.


Economy; Innovation; Technologies

Texto completo:



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