Alessandra Staggemeier Londero, Nathalia Zampieri Antunes, Isabel Christine Silva de Gregori


The present study seeks to establish a multidisciplinary connection between geographical indications, as an institute for the protection of intellectual property rights, and artisanal fashion creations carried out in different regions of Brazil, bringing to light a dialogue that resumes the reflection that clothing, in addition to characterizing and individualizing people, also determines relevant social, cultural and economic aspects of a society. It is through this expression that fashion manifests values and is characterized as a mirror that interprets ages and moments, through the fashion industry, which with is why its inventions and innovations needs legal guarantees to protect its creations. In this context, Intellectual Property Law and Geographical Indications emerge as a legal alternative aimed at protecting the authorship rights of the community that is involved in the production of these articles, concerned with protecting from the knowledge acquired or developed in the region, the tourism that the location it provides and the rights of the consumer who purchases a good or service that is linked to the handling and/or raw material of that geography, assigning a quality standard to the product that has the registration seal. For the methodology, it was used the systemic-complex method, based on Lipovetsky's learning. As for the approach, the historical and functionalist methods were used. Regarding the application of the procedure, bibliographic research and document analysis were used, analyzing sources focused on the social, economic and cultural context about the topic addressed.


Geographical Indications; Handcrafted Fashion; Intellectual property

Texto completo:



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Revista INGI - Indicação Geográfica e Inovação. A Revista INGI está licenciada com a Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional

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