José Aprígio Carneiro Neto, Elcioneide Costa Silva Carneiro, Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Antonio Martins de Oliveira Junior, Mário Jorge Campos dos Santos


Agroindustry is expanding in the market through technological innovation, or that favors the development of new products and processes in this area. Beforehand, this research had the objective of carrying out a technological mapping through deposits of patent requests related to agroindustry. The methodology corresponds to a quantitative exploratory study that carried out a data collection on the basis of the National Institute of Industrial Property - INPI, being used or used by the word agroindustry in Portuguese, where 79 deposits were found. The results will highlight documents between 1992 and 2020, not being found deposits made in 2021, because this fact can be explained by 18 months of secrecy period. Still, I know that the Federal University of Sergipe has a greater number of deposits on agroindustry. Therefore, it is noted that there is a need to stimulate partnerships between companies and Universities to expand studies on the subject.


Agriculture; Industry; Technological Innovation

Texto completo:



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