Ana Teresa Silva Neto, Rodrigo Rocha Pereira Lima, Suzana Leitão Russo


The objective of this study was to know and analyze the experience of entrepreneurs, owners of small businesses in Sergipe in the process of trademark registration. This study is based on the relationship between trademark registration and company size and uses several studies (Mamede, Fernandes, Godinho,2011; Singh 2018; Dinlersoz et al. 2018; Pinto et al. 2018) that prove that small companies register their trademarks less than large companies. A qualitative survey was conducted with 45 owners of formalized small businesses of different sizes (MEI, ME and EPP) and economic sectors (industry, commerce and service). Interviews were conducted and a semi-structured script was followed in order to collect the data. The results indicate that 100% of the companies do not have their trademarks registered, most of the entrepreneurs (91%) do not know about the trademark registration process, 98% of the entrepreneurs want to register in order to protect themselves from competitors, and the main difficulty pointed out by 87% of the entrepreneurs is not knowing the process of how to apply for trademark registration. The study contributes to the discussion about which actions can be developed and implemented with the purpose of increasing the amount of small businesses with the protection of their marks, through registration in the Trademark System.


Trademark; Trademark Registration; Small Businesses

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