Isabelle Mary Costa Pereira, Marla Jayssa Correa da Silva, Francisco Diêgo da Silva Chagas, Ana Lúcia Ponte Freitas


Biopolymers can be defined as compounds originated from plants, animals and microorganisms and are constituted by monomers structured by covalent bonds, originating macromolecules. In general, they can be formed by several molecules, among which we can highlight carbohydrates. Polysaccharides are carbohydrates made up of monosaccharides joined by covalent bonds, also called glycosidic bonds. The objective was to carry out a prospective study on patents related to the development of biopolymers, whose process involves polysaccharides, with a search in the databases of the European Patent Office (EPO - on the Espacenet website) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). It was observed that the INPI has few patent filings (24) compared to the EPO (273). In addition, the country with the highest number of patent filings was the United States (102) and the areas with the greatest number of filings involved the following topics: biochemistry, beer, alcohol, wine, vinegar, microbiology, enzymology, genetic engineering, mutation C12P and preparations for medical, dental or hygienic purposes (A61K). Therefore, the prospection of patents related to biopolymers, made from polysaccharides, highlights the need for greater investment as it has great potential for development.


Prospection; Biopolymers; Polysaccharides

Texto completo:



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