Dimitrius Pablo Sabino Lima de Miranda, Cleide Mara Barbosa da Cruz, Suzana Leitão Russo


Technology Parks are projects that present several advantages, such as a significant contribution to social and economic development, as well as boosting interactions between universities, government and companies. The objective of this study was to carry out a bibliometry on the Technology Parks. The methodology consists of bibliometrics, and a search was carried out using the Scopus database, where the keywords “technological parks” were used, in which filters were applied and in view of that, 804 scientific productions from 1956 to 2020 were found. The results show that there was a considerable increase in the year of 1991 since the first publications of articles on the subject, however it was in 2019 that there was the largest quantity of scientific productions, being 74, in 2020 it presented 70 articles, however this quantity was counted until the month of November of the current year, and the number of productions may have increased in the following month. And although Brazil is among the ten countries with the largest number of publications, it still has few productions, China and the United States have a greater number of productions deposited in the Scopus database on the subject, together they present 249 productions. Thus, it is clear that it is still necessary to expand scientific production related to Technology Parks in the world and especially in Brazil and developed countries, as these environments have been expanding and are extremely relevant to the local and regional economy of where they are located, making countries' science, technology and innovation to improve significantly.


Technology Parks; Innovation Ecosystems; Scientific Production

Texto completo:



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