Daniel Rocha Silva, Fabrício Molica de Mendonça, Daniela Martins Diniz, Paulo Henrique de Lima Siqueira, Bezamat de Souza Neto


In order to contribute to the debate on interactions in the context of local productive arrangements, we sought to understand the forms and the degree of interaction between the agents who work in the tourist conglomerate of Pirapora / MG and the advantages obtained by the actors when entering the network. The mapping of the literature included a discussion on the notion of Local Productive Arrangement, the interactions established between agents in the network and the advantages that can be obtained by being part of it. As for the research methodology, a qualitative study was conducted using, as instruments of collection, documentary research, participant observation and interviews with ten actors inserted in the Pirapora Agglomerate. The results showed that access to new knowledge and information is the aspect that most influences entrepreneurs to participate in the association, finding that corroborates some previous studies. Therefore, more than obtaining cost reductions or increasing the bargaining power with suppliers, insertion in the network represents a possibility of obtaining intangible resources related, as information and knowledge, fundamental inputs for the innovation process of organizations. In addition, the data indicated that the network created in the tourist conglomerate of Pirapora cannot yet be considered a dense social arrangement characterized by intense social interaction between different local actors such as the government, businessmen, associations and the community.


Interorganizational Arrangements; Interaction; Tourism

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