Welson dos Santos Barbosa, Athayde Leite de Sá Filho, Gabriel Marques Leite dos Santos, Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos


The need for technological development for innovation makes the integration between members of the academy and those of private organizations with or without profit, urgent, which is possible from mapping to identify these actors. In this context, the objective was to develop and apply a system for mapping Intellectual Property (IP) assets and technological development projects. This allowed identifying the actors already active in a given ecosystem. For this, the PHP (Preprocessed Hypertext Pages) language and the database of the Lattes curriculum maintained by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development were used. This Council is widely recognized in the academic environment and, gradually, seeing increasing importance in the productive sector. At the end, the system was named IPMAP - Intellectual Property MAPping - and allows obtaining data related to IP using CPF, so that the system filters, specifically the quantitative data of patents, computer program registration (CPR), trademarks and technological development projects. Its application to collect data from 979 UNIVASF officers made the process at least 490 times faster than its execution based on searching for each curriculum on the Lattes platform, solving the Institution's real demand. There was an incipient number of officers active in the generation of IP assets concentrated in only 4.8% and 3.4% of total officers for patents and RPC, respectively; reduced number of RD&I, some inconsistencies in the filling. The data are the basis for other relevant analyzes in the decision-making processes for innovation.


Innovation Ecosystem; Intellectual Property; Prospective Study

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