Ivo José Paes e Silva, Franciluce Souto Rodrigues, Rosangela Rita Miranda Cavaleiro, Thais de Freitas Suarte, Mauro André Damasceno de Melo


The aim of the present study was to provide a prospective landscape on scientific and technological production in national and international databases on the state of art of CRISPR (Short Palindromic Repeats Grouped and Regularly Interspaced) and its application. Scientific prospection was performed in GOOGLE PATENTS, INPI and SPACENET databases. The keyword used was CRISPR in title and/or abstract fields. We sought to map information on the subject, in order to exhibit the possibilities of an intellectual investment and its contribution to scientific production. The prospective survey seeks to support strategies for studies that can offer the most assertive paths aimed at the use of this technique, and for that strategic planning tool are used, of which we highlight the prospective studies. These procedure leads to a strategic planning, with the production of landscapes and identification of opportunities and threats for the market, companies and scientific institutions in their different areas of activity.


CRISPR; Genome Editing; Prospecting

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