Marina Bezerra da Silva, Rafael Angelo Santos Leite, Maria Emilia Camargo, Iracema Machado de Aragão


The issue of Geographical Indications (GI) is becoming increasingly important, especially for regions with products that seek to show their unique characteristics and thus more value in national and international markets. This has led to a growing need for GI research and many studies have been produced around the world. This study presents a recent overview of GI-related research in the context of management and business. To do so, we have analyzed the articles published in the period 2017-2019 at Scopus' base. We found 36 articles focused on GI issues for systematic analysis of content. The results indicate that the GI is a growing field of research, with Italy and France standing out in scientific production. Among the main research methodologies, the case study is the most recurrent. As for the research lines, the thematic dimensions were identified: Consumers, Marketing, Internal Environment and Regional Environment of the IG.


Geographical Indication; Bibliometry; Recent Panorama

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